Czech English Russian

General overhaul description

Disassembly of the engine 


Alkaline wash - removal of carbon deposits in the combustion areas and in the lubrication system


Non-destructive defectoscopy - identification of inner and outer defects on materials, prevents hidden causes of future damages during running conditions


Visual checkups - selection of parts worthy of refurbishment and further usage 

Refurbishment of clearances and wills of all rotational, traversing and static parts

Aggregate Testing

Injection pump testing

Zkušebna palivového čerpadla


Zkušebna palivového čerpadla


Fuel injector testing

Zkušebna vstřikovacích trysek

Oil pump testing

  Zkušebna olejového zubového čerpadla


Refurbishment of anti-corrosive treatments

 Engine re-assembly

Engine brake-in on a test bench + control runs with parameter checkups and final adjustments

Conservation and packaging of engine for transport